Occupational Health Services
Ergonomics is all about fitting the workplace to the the worker. By ensuring that your workers physiological and psychological needs are catered for, you can ensure a happier, healthier and more productive workforce. We can assist you in modifying the workplace, tasks, processes and workstations benefiting not only your employees but your organisations productivity.
Employee Wellness
A correctly designed wellness program can increase productivity, boost moral and reduce stress. Overworked, tired and stressed employees are all too common in today’s workplace, and this can result in a significant loss of productivity and high staff turnover. We can help you identify employee health and wellness issues and implement effective solutions.
Other Services:
Lung Function Testing
Skin assessments
Vaccinations to help protect against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
Health surveillance
Driver and Mechanical Handling Equipment Operator Medicals
A medical assessment to determine the physical and mental health status
Vision Screening Service
Health Screening Services
Occupational Exposure
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Face Fit Testing (Qualitative and Quantitative) by Accredited Fit 2 Fit Tester